Whats New Kitty Cat?

I’ve been out of touch with the whole occult scene for a decade now – what’s new and exciting these days?

The last time I was active here, it was pretty bustling – lots of new faces, lots of new magickal systems, lots of players basically. But now, it seems so quiet? Where do I go to get inspired?

[edit] A lot of the old haunts I used to hang out in has an odd feeling towards it… like a polish of monetization all over it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being down on said people/entities, my most successful sorcery are financial sorcerys’; but I do cringe on the overly, in your face, I’m making money off you kinda shenanigans.

Just an observation and personal bias, not life or financial advice xD


Recently, while I haven’t taken a full dive back into mysteries of the universe, I’ve restarted some of my previous practices, albeit updated to a new framework I am working on. There has been some recent interests of mine that I feel like would benefit from an esoteric boost of sorts.

Mental Sphere: I am looking to activate more of my brain utilization. I know the science if that we do fully utilize our brain but not at full power (and not only 10% like what was previously propagated). There are still limiters in place so we don’t die from pushing our body to the limit and I do believe that synapses do eventually de-activate from non-usage.

My goal is to activate more synapses and utilize it towards my current life goals while min/max power usage. My current goals are mental gymnastics heavy and I will take any advantage I get.

Healing Magicks: My pet project (kinda), I’m always interested in some sort of longevity type of projects (and I also have a personal reason for this). With that said, this is the type of magick I am most familiar with.

I think the method I am working with is useful but I need to learn more about the human body itself, like I am going to go deep dive down to the cellular level.

Control’ish Magick: Now this is my real pet project (lol), just always been interested in psychic’ish or evil eye’ish type of skills.

With the framework I am working with, I feel like it would make it more effective by learning the muggle systems that runs it.

So I am off to hit the books, learn more things about the world so I can try to affect it in the “unknown” world.


Before I took a long “vacation” from the esoteric, I was working on this theory of mine that magick is some sort of undefined energy, and that all “systems” of magick; be it hoodoo to taoism, work under the same premise. The only reason they are “different” is due to cultural interpretations of the past.

And that the rules of tradition set upon each “system” is not exactly a universal but cultural.

It sounds very “chaotey” but to be honest, that was one of the reasons I gravitated towards chaos magick in the first place; not the reckless abandon that we normally see with their standard practitioners but the reasonable disregard of the “rules” that was set by its founding members.

So what are the things that separates my version of magick with the traditional version of magick;

  • Magickal Energy: I don’t actually see it as a force that can be gathered but to be controlled and directed, that it’s actually all around us as it is and that we just tap into it and “direct” it to our desires.
  • Magickal Circles: Not necessary in my book. In the sense where it is used to activate some sort of “energy” field that is congruent with the magickal world. If the universe and magickal force is all around us, why do we even need it.
  • Traditional Means: Keeping an athame in a magickal box to keep the “energy” and “blessing” on it to keep it holy is not a thing for me. If I grab this pencil and I deem it a magickal tool, that should be it.

Overall, I’m not downgrading on the other magickal systems of the world; if it works, it works. I just personally want to see a different world that was seen by our predecessors many a years ago.

It’s 2021 already, I think the praxis needs somewhat of an upgrade.


When I decided to take the path of becoming a sorcerer a few decades ago, my motivation was pretty clear; to rebel against the system. Call it God(s), The Force, etc but I wanted to break against the rules it set to me.

Then as time passed by, my motivation changed to power, to control, to whatever it is now.

During this pandemic, I made some life moves to go forward, but then I had to reset back to the previous arrangement that I had. Not that it failed….. Again, I had to make a choice, and the choice was easy to make due to personal circumstances but yet again, I’m down in a path because of the system.

I hate it, I hate being part of the cog but to be honest – I know a part of me knows that if I completely step away from the cog, I step away from one of the most important things in my life. I am extremely frustrated by this situation but I am, in all sense, powerless against it (as I already made the decision, and will stick by it till an outcome has been achieved).

With this sort of mental venting done, what was the outcome you wonder?

To control whatever I can at the moment. Not very profound, I must admit (lol). This sounds like a self help sort of theme but if I am tied down due to external circumstances, I can always strengthen my internal mindset, resolve, and personal power.

So I started to practice a little bit again, internal “tricks” to boost my mental and physical well being. My practice from a decade ago to now is completely different but the themes are still the same; increasing my personal power and have some control over the external forces in my life.

A World of Wishes

As you can see from my last post, I haven’t wrote anything about the occult since 2019. That is even a tad more false as I probably didn’t do anything slightly magickal for a half a decade or so.

To be honest, life just took over and the ROI of practicing magick wasn’t enough – also coupled with my dissatisfaction that my progress wasn’t going anywhere. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t think my time with sorcery was a waste of time – I gained so much of it, especially in a sense of widening my scope of the world and looking through it in different view. Life just really took over and my priorities shifted over to more pressing things.

With that said, looking at my current self; it feels like something is missing. I’ve been feeling it for awhile – I feel like my mental balance is out of whack, what used to be a sharp sword has now turned into a dull blade. Things I never felt before, I am now recognizing (which I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing)

One of the things that was good with occult practice was that there was a beneficial side effect of having discipline, something that I am currently lacking at the moment. It feels like, if I were to quantify mental energy in levels of 1 – 100, it would be under 50 and since my mental state is so weak – I’ve been more susceptible to mental afflictions I normally didn’t let in my mental sphere.

Another Crossroad?

So here we are again, at another impasse in life… What do I do? I am not fond of my current mental state, I do not enjoy lacking mental tools and control over myself. I am also at the phase of my life where I want to enjoy it, and ultimately be happy.

Will taking up the mantle of sorcerer make me happy? Will it make me fulfilled again? I feel like in my previous endeavor, I didn’t make enough of a progress that I wanted to but it didn’t make me feel unhappy – the fact that I was adventuring through unexplored territories made me feel at ease.

No matter how I proceed, I do know that I need to make current changes in my life – recognizing this is the first step of it.